Thursday, September 15, 2011


My good friends over at Crazy Mountain Brewery entrusted me to pour beer to a thousand guests at EdFest '11.  Which just so happens to be the very first EdFest of all time.  Overall, I'd say it was a great success!  Some exceptional beers to note:

Left Hand Brewing Co's Good Juju, a ginger beer.  As in beer made with ginger.  Super refreshing!
Maui Brewing Co's Coconut Porter.  Tasted like a liquid Almond Joy.  Yay tastebuds!
Crazy Mountain Brewery's Tate's Berry Ale.  A raspberry beer made with real raspberries and not an extract!  Had a hint of berry on the finish, very crisp and not overpowering.
Deschutes Black Butte Porter.  A standard among craft breweries, and delicious to boot.
Del Norte's Orale Lager.  Perfectly crisp, and perfect for a sunny Colorado afternoon.
Highland Park Scotch Whiskey.  Confused?  Highland Ranch ages beer in their whiskey barrels, resulting in a delicious (higher ABV) earthy and full bodied beer.  So wonderful!  

Until next year!  And for your viewing pleasure, Townsend modeling as "Ed."

Check out those JORTS!